2017 UPDATE: Vegan & My Upcoming Online Store!
I have not done a personal life update in quite some time. This is a special year for myself, according to certain signs I’ve noticed, and all that is already coming into play within my direct reality. After years studying, cooking, detoxes, and financial planning, I am ecstatic to declare that I have adopted my own version of a Vegan diet. Last year, I shared a post about my Vegetarian/Pescatarian experience, which began in my early-adult life. This is the right time for myself to cross over into a lifestyle that pulls at me daily. The most difficult obstacle has been financial and relating to a lack of knowledge about…
Make way for the new. . .
New ideas, new ambitions, new manifestations! New VIRGO Moon! Today I am searching for a piece of mind that is weightless. I am searching for weightlessness so that I might fill it with energy of the greatest channeling I have ever done. If you are anything like I can be, you might constantly imagine ways to make yourself better. And if you’re even more like me, you tend to struggle with the manifestation of what you come up with every now and then. Sometimes I feel these blocks have a lot to do with having so much happening at once. Do you ever feel that way? Not just distracted, but…
This is (kindA) what I’m up to noW.
I realized that I have not written a full blog post on myself lately. It’s been fulfilling to share my lessons here, even though it is a blind exchange. Every concrete thing I would want to write and express about my current experience is still in progress. I don’t like to talk too specifically about what I’m getting into because the things are always changing shape before completion. I will share that I have been doing a lot of self-defining writing lately. I see myself clearer than ever, so a lot of wonderful messages are escaping me. Besides the poetry I have been writing, I am gradually working on the…
Freely Observing
I have practiced living freely lately. What does it mean to live freely? I notice that most people think of it in terms of financial stability. Being able to buy whatever you like and go wherever you like because you have all of the money you’ve ever dreamed of is what those in this age consider freedom. This is fair, but I am happier than ever while being far from my financial goals. So, what do I mean exactly? When I say FREELY, I mean living, breathing, walking around with acknowledgement of mental blocks that threaten to stop me from doing what I want, whatever it maybe. Fear is an…
To the (Young) Women and the Lovers
This month has been amazing, thus far! I’m inspired both with my upcoming raw food exploration and just by the people I’ve been coming across in life daily. Isn’t that the best? Music continues to grow new roots and I’m excited to challenge myself and see what I can really do with it. It’s now manifesting itself in even more corners of my reality, like at work (I just started in an office and discovered there’s actually a studio in the back! haha Awesome, right?). I decided to let go of all of the negative figures in my life as well. I have leaned towards excuses to keep those causing…