• Life

    Freely Observing

    I have practiced living freely lately. What does it mean to live freely? I notice that most people think of it in terms of financial stability. Being able to buy whatever you like and go wherever you like because you have all of the money you’ve ever dreamed of is what those in this age consider freedom. This is fair, but I am happier than ever while being far from my financial goals. So, what do I mean exactly? When I say FREELY, I mean living, breathing, walking around with acknowledgement of mental blocks that threaten to stop me from doing what I want, whatever it maybe. Fear is an…

  • Health,  Life

    Yeah baby, I like it RAW!

    All RAW everything! At least for the next two weeks… I’m currently experiencing my sixth day of the twenty day HERBAL cleanse I’m doing which requires that I adopt an all raw food diet. Yup! This means that I am not consuming anything that has been processed with sugar and artificial flavors and other chemicals that we know make up the foods we consume regularly. No dairy products, or anything of animal origin has entered me since this past Monday! Once again, I’m amazed by the timing of this particular adventure because I’ve been interested in improving my diet, but I always thought it would be too expensive to start…

  • Life,  Writing

    To the (Young) Women and the Lovers

    This month has been amazing, thus far! I’m inspired both with my upcoming raw food exploration and just by the people I’ve been coming across in life daily. Isn’t that the best? Music continues to grow new roots and I’m excited to challenge myself and see what I can really do with it. It’s now manifesting itself in even more corners of my reality, like at work (I just started in an office and discovered there’s actually a studio in the back! haha Awesome, right?). I decided to let go of all of the negative figures in my life as well. I have leaned towards excuses to keep those causing…

  • Life,  Writing

    Words from my heart as translated by my souL

    What a life! I’ve been thinking about updating every day, but my reality just took a few spins over the past month. I’ve been taking everything in and deciding how to work with all I’ve been given. 2014 is really an exciting year already! I felt that now is the perfect time to do some spilling into this digital universe I have here. While things are looking unexpectedly amazing in my work life, my love life blows. I admit to being fresh out of the pan with this post! Days like these, when it’s pouring rain and there’s nothing to do but hang inside with my family and friends, recording…

  • Life,  Writing

    From Me to Me, for you

    Tonight I thought to go through some of my phone notes from this year to find a few lines that fit with a theme I am focused on as of late. I ended up reading through all of the memos and realized a lot of the random lines/reminders I type into there are, um, golden as hell! I wanted to keep these private until they are complete, but why wait, really?. Don’t look into my eyes Look out through ’em and I’ll show you what it’s like to be a woman Reality is heavy. Every moment’s a memory in an instant. What’s life, what’s light for you? Like seeing a…