๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ is a playlist that I began a few weeks ago while in a deeply satisfying self-care mode. I made this curation specifically for women to play as they tap into their inner goddess energies, however that might look and feel for them. It covers multiple spectrums of femininity, and specifically invokes the awakening feminine spirit. Delving into my true femininity as empowerment has become an important part of my life and practices, and I hope every woman who comes across this playlist will share it with another woman they appreciate. All of the women on this list are spiritually inclined to some degree (as expressed in song)…
Liberating The Captive Consciousness (+Download)
Liberating The Captive Consciousness is a meaningful selection I compiled overtime, and it seemed more relevant each day, with all that continues to occur on a regular basis. Amongst these songs are some of my favorites, which I came upon during the most difficult period in my youth. That was when I became fully conscious of the world we exist in. Music helped a lot and each song channels what I feel/have felt when reflecting on modern media, corruption, oppression, western society, etc. Please listen carefully and let me know what you think. I also hope that you feel inspired to share it with others! Download tracklist 1. Sly [Underdog…
FemaLe IntuiTion is sO NeXt LeveL Mix 2
My second Female Intuition Is So Next Level mix is truly special. I played this one a lot over the past weekend and each time, it listed my spirits much higher than they were. In the same mindset of last year, I am featuring art which channels certain highs and lows many women tend to experience in life. It features new/revamped versions of classic, meaningful jams by Lauryn Hill, Queen Latifah, Erykah Badu, and Jill Scott, as well as some wonderful new-generation voices I recently came upon. This year, I have come into a deeper realm of understanding of what it is to not only be a woman in this…