FemaLe IntuiTion is sO NeXt LeveL MIX
I wouldn’t be at ease without closing up a wonderful first year of posting on The Frolic with some words about my unique year of growth, and some music! This ending quarter of the holiday season swallowed me up, for a bit. I have a new playlist to hold us over until I get around to updating, after the new year. I have some big ideas to manifest!
Distinctive growth occurred within me this year. I feel like I am constantly discovering myself while collecting and creating myself at the same time. So many magical moments strengthened my perception of life and calmed the uncertainty I felt throughout much of last year. For me, this was a year of self-discovery and learning just what I can do. The more I learn, the more I feel limitless. The coming year will be my year of manifestation, when all of the seeds I am watering for my life will hopefully take bloom. The adventure is discovering how it will happen. For the moment, I am just excited about life and seeing some of the new people I met this year. It is interesting how many people we come across who mirror us in some way. I hope you all have a great year of movement toward your own dreams and self-discovery.
I called this current list “Female Intuition is so Next Level,” which is a tweet of mine from earlier this year that stuck with me after it came to mind. I notice our power all of the time. I collected some of my favorite songs that I feel connect with that statement in some way, and I’ve been listening to it ever since. I want to put the spotlight on some recent, and a couple of older female vocalists and lyricists who have my ears. Spread the vibes on your soundclouds, if you like it!
Song List
Mistah Rapsey
This selections is so on point! Your intuition is powerful!
Thank you! I’m happy you enjoy it. I’m actually a fan of your selections also. Dope stuff!