Etta Bond – #bad4me, 4U, & Met Him Visuals
There has not been a single Etta Bond that I have not felt to my core, in the smoothest way. Since baring her truths and shedding light to the ongoing discussion about gender roles and the liberation of women through her jam Seen & Never Heard, Etta has been on a wave. Really, she has been dropping gems on us at random since last year, but we now have a few of them, back to back. The soothing #bad4me is the third of the slew of new songs she’s unveiled over the past two months, with stimulating imagery to match. Each is a collaboration with random producers she called for through a post online, a fact which highlights one of what many consider a few perks of this online network. The results which come from her work with Furozh and Khalil Madovi are magical. I am playing these songs often and look forward to what is to come next from this Frolic favorite. Enjoy the music videos below and support Etta Bond through the links!
Met Him