Crystals, Plants, and Why You Should Care About EMF
With the growth in popularity of aesthetics that have become associated with spirituality concepts, the idea of crystals being more than pretty decorative objects might be cliche. I am one who firmly believes in the energy of nature-created crystals, since the moment I was given one to hold by a friend, back in 2014. I’ll always remember how awed I was being able to feel the gentle vibration emitting from the rose quartz stone. I immediately had to get one for myself. I learned the properties of the different stones and found certain ones that resonate with me. On my journey to healing energetically and emotionally, having stones around has helped tremendously. Today, I have my own collection of crystals which, although I am going on 25 stones, is nowhere near as massive as I envision it to be in my future home. In fact, I intend to have raw crystals molded into the walls and some of the flooring of my future home. Shout-out to Erykah Badu’s live Ustream garden/home tour a few years ago for the inspiration. Aside from already appreciating crystals, it’s important for me to note the deeper benefits of keeping them near.
One recent story to trend from the architectural digest was about the home of musician Drake. Upon observing some of the images of rooms at his estate, I immediately noticed that he keeps crystals in just about every one. Amongst the varying collection of crystals one can note, he has big orgonite pyramids. I found this so fitting to have come across when I did because I had already intended to write this short piece about a few specific crystals and plants which are believed to absorb and protect from EMF radiation. Orgonite is one of the form of crystal that I have chosen to highlight. Another thing that perked my interest in relation to Drake having Orgonite pyramids in his home is the fact that his frequent music video collaborator, Director X, was involved in a Vice show called Mr. Tachyon, where they studied the effects of “orgone” energy. Below is an excerpt from a 2017 interview Director X did where he mentions the results.
“We did one on orgone energy, which is a whole interesting topic [on its own]. This guy named Wilhelm Reich named it orgone energy; he says it’s life energy, the energy that creates galaxies and universes, and hurricanes and tornadoes, and it’s in living things. He found a way to attract it and store it. He made these things in the ’50s and ’60s called orgone accumulators. You’d sit in it, and it wouldn’t heal diseases necessarily, but it was supposed to be very therapeutic. So we made two of those; we made a real one and a fake one, and then we have everyone hooked up to brain sensors and all kinds of stuff. The people in the orgone accumulator, not only did they feel better on the box, but the sensors also showed that they were less stressed out—they were breathing better. Then the people we put in the fake box were stressed out; they wanted to get out of it and were really uncomfortable. So yeah that was really interesting.”
– Director X Interview with Coveteur
Why should YOU care about 5G and EMF?
Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) are constantly given off by electronics such as television, computers, cellular phones, internet routers, microwaves, and more. With the current state of the world, including the growing reports about the effects of 5G radiation on the health of humans, now is an important time to share ways one can guard themselves in this rapidly evolving technologically driven society. Many of the iron-based stones used to absorb the frequencies are also commonly used for spiritual grounding. Symptoms from EMF pollution include: fatigue, memory loss, decreased attention span, difficulty focusing, headaches, depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, joint and muscle pain, and weakened immune system. I am not a journalist and won’t pretend to be, so I will keep the rest of this post brief. There is a ton of new research out there about 5G, EMF, and radiation, and more of it is being unveiled, weekly. I encourage everyone to use this time we have been given during quarantine to do their due diligence and follow through with their own research.
Carrying or wearing the following protective stones are two effective ways to block EMF frequencies. Another option of protection is to place these stones between you and the electronic device in use. You can also use plants to absorb the radiation by placing them near each electronic source. Please note that crystals compliment genuine holistic healthcare, and are not meant to substitute proper medical treatment or advice. Also, note that these plants do not attract radiation, they simply help to absorb it.
- Orgonite
- Black Tourmaline (My personal favorite.)
- Pyrite
- Hematite
- Shungite
House Plants
- Succulents/Cacti (My personal favorite.)
- Snake Plants
- Spider Plant
- Stone Lotus Flower
- Aloe Vera (My other personal favorite for its medicinal properties)
Each of these plants also assists to purify the air. Using them in combination with the crystals will create a calming atmosphere that is healthier for you physically and spiritually. Please take care of yourself and be in a positive state.