
  • Music,  Video

    Princess Nokia – Dragons

    I LOVE this! Princess Nokia, who was previously known simply as Wavy Spice, has blown me away all over again with her singing voice. When I first heard her hard rap on “The Butterfly Prequel” switch to a soft voice, I honestly thought the singing part to be a sample from some beautiful old song that I would never be able to find. Nope, she’s really just amazing all around. Hearing her latest release gave me energy and made me smile during a really low moment today. I’m grateful for that. I’m especially excited about Princess Nokia because she has a powerful aura about her and she seems to have…

  • Music,  Video

    TiDUS – Apocalypse

    For a while, I’ve been wondering about/expecting the moment when the rest of the world tunes into Tidus. I would say that it’s now just a matter of…alignment. He’s one of the many upcoming artists who have me more excited than ever about the changes which are about to befall music. Do not sleep on this sound! Watching this video from his latest EP New Age, I immediately recognized the visual work of RUFFMERCY, who also did work on the visual to one of my favorite Blu songs, Doin’ Nothin. It is a perfect collaboration. I highly encourage you to also check out some of Tidus’s earlier work, which includes…