
  • Music


    Sonnymoon, Lion Babe, Etta Bond & Raf Riley, and inc. dropped some interesting visuals to accompany their songs last year. There are a few singer/producer combinations popping up out there, but I’m looking forward to hearing new things from these four this year. I’m especially anticipating an official release from Lion Babe, as they’ve only revealed a single junglesque groove thus far. I’ve been a fan of Sonnymoon since I first came upon Golden Age years ago and listened to it every morning while on transit. I’ve decided since then that almost anything by Sonnymoon is the the best music to listen to while traveling, whether on a train, or…

  • Music

    Danny Watts – Poetic Effusions

    Take a gander through the ripples of my mind. Messenger Series Vol. 1 – Danny Watts This song is brilliant. I haven’t known much of anything about Danny Watts before now, besides his voice and intricate patterns of rhymes the delivers with it. I have been listening to this Messenger Series Vol. 1 for months because I feel it is so p e r f e c t and relatable as a human being. After watching this new visual for his song Poetic Effusions, it is simply my duty to pass it on to you.