Creative Expression For Release & Healing
In my personal growth, I notice that I can no longer suppress what my spirit yearns to express. I suppose this is my unique experience of being guided into creating art for more than just myself. I touched on self-expression here before, but learning the importance of my voice has been something that I still find myself reflecting on often, in relation to womanhood. The truth is that I lost a sense of worth for a long time, and I have been re-adjusting since becoming an adult. I am now able to express my true self more freely than ever. When losing a sense of worth in oneself while being…
Father’s Day Note
Captured at a rally in front of the Los Angeles Police Department on July 9th, 2016 Today is being celebrated as Father’s day, and I’m thinking about the recent unjust closing of Philando Castile’s case and the families of those affected by police brutality. I am thinking of how it will always relate to myself, as a woman of color. I brought my father with me to this rally last year, because I recall so many stories which I heard growing up, where my father was profiled and targeted by the police and other members of the society we live in, due to the color of his skin. I remember…
2017 UPDATE: Vegan & My Upcoming Online Store!
I have not done a personal life update in quite some time. This is a special year for myself, according to certain signs I’ve noticed, and all that is already coming into play within my direct reality. After years studying, cooking, detoxes, and financial planning, I am ecstatic to declare that I have adopted my own version of a Vegan diet. Last year, I shared a post about my Vegetarian/Pescatarian experience, which began in my early-adult life. This is the right time for myself to cross over into a lifestyle that pulls at me daily. The most difficult obstacle has been financial and relating to a lack of knowledge about…
Becoming Confident In My Vegetarianism
It always gets me when those who have known/known of me for a while ask what I did to lose as much weight as I have over the past six years, and promptly follow the question with “I am not going to stop eating meat!” This is thrown out there as a lazy method of narrowing the possibility of my mentioning vegetarianism, as if it is a trend. I can hear them thinking “Please don’t start talking about vegetables and animals.” and some even go so far as to assume I only eat plain “rabbit food,” as if there are two or three bland options without meat. That part is…
Let’s be more Sporadic! + Subway Dancers in L.A.
I recently lived a day of random fun with friends I have not seen together since the year started. One of them mentioned, several times, how it seemed that he had not been out in the world for weeks, or more. He works the nightshift. It was funny, because it was like he was experiencing a re-awakening. I also found it amusing how he chose to express this realization as we were walking along the most busiest street in the area, but this is also someone who is always humorous and imaginative. He could easily be a comedian. The same friend had also not been on a train to Hollywood…
Yasiin Bey: “F*ck off ISIS” on Paris attacks, imperialism and colonialism
“The problem is people’s lack of compassion and care for themselves, for their fellow human beings…And that’s what gets all of this nonsense going. We don’t treat each other well and we need to treat each other better than what we are doing.“ “By the way, we are already in outer space. We’re already HERE on this space ship earth, propelling, spinning all the time. Everything we need is here. Earth is efficient, but if we don’t do right by each other we will eliminate ourselves.” “They’re trying to drive people into a state of high stress, so people don’t have the space to really slow it down, love themselves,…
Know yOUR power. Use yOUR voice.
Unity is the core of this think piece I wrote in August of last year, inspired by responses to the Mike Brown murder. That post is a vague break-down of my view of life on this planet and how it is all connected. I believe that our natural flow has gone off course, for whatever reason. At that time, I wondered why anyone felt the need to justify an armed, fully adult man trained and paid to protect civilians murdering a teenaged male in the middle of the street, with multiple bullets. I wonder why even a trained police dog’s rights for justice are acknowledged, but not a young black…
Make way for the new. . .
New ideas, new ambitions, new manifestations! New VIRGO Moon! Today I am searching for a piece of mind that is weightless. I am searching for weightlessness so that I might fill it with energy of the greatest channeling I have ever done. If you are anything like I can be, you might constantly imagine ways to make yourself better. And if you’re even more like me, you tend to struggle with the manifestation of what you come up with every now and then. Sometimes I feel these blocks have a lot to do with having so much happening at once. Do you ever feel that way? Not just distracted, but…
I also believe that loVe wiLL take us higher.
(This is one hoodie that stood out to me during Downtown L.A.’s Trayvon Martin Million Hoodie march that I experienced back in March 2012.) When was the last time someone told you that you remind them of someone else in some way? We are all reflections, but our reaction to our experiences is what truly makes us unique. Everything we absorb and our perceptions become us. There is no one like you and that is the beautiful thing about life! Does that idea leave you with an ache that begs you to get out and experience more of it? Meet more, see more, trade more stories, leave words, create memories,…