Words from my heart as translated by my souL
What a life! I’ve been thinking about updating every day, but my reality just took a few spins over the past month. I’ve been taking everything in and deciding how to work with all I’ve been given. 2014 is really an exciting year already! I felt that now is the perfect time to do some spilling into this digital universe I have here. While things are looking unexpectedly amazing in my work life, my love life blows. I admit to being fresh out of the pan with this post! Days like these, when it’s pouring rain and there’s nothing to do but hang inside with my family and friends, recording…
My Impression of Self-Expression
There exists a little pattern that I’ve payed special attention to lately. I did not adopt a New Years Resolution until I was asked about it during a party at my cousin’s house this past New Years Eve. I instantly decided to use what had been happening in my life as the answer and I’ve already gathered something from it over the course of this month. Each year brings something significant across my path that forces me to open myself up a bit more, thus growing bit by bit. There is always a new challenge, a new phase of growth I find myself stepping into. This idea brings me to…
Princess Nokia – Dragons
I LOVE this! Princess Nokia, who was previously known simply as Wavy Spice, has blown me away all over again with her singing voice. When I first heard her hard rap on “The Butterfly Prequel” switch to a soft voice, I honestly thought the singing part to be a sample from some beautiful old song that I would never be able to find. Nope, she’s really just amazing all around. Hearing her latest release gave me energy and made me smile during a really low moment today. I’m grateful for that. I’m especially excited about Princess Nokia because she has a powerful aura about her and she seems to have…
Bearing The Barness (revisted)
Question whether it’s possible to feel the same when our reality is change My emotions are the same, but not the name We give U S when explaining ourselves to any one else but us Not a couple, just a couple of hearts spending time apart Then reuniting to play in the dark Where we met. Two strangers when we first crossed each other Wild heart, old girl who pondered and observed her own worlds Never could imagine being comfortable enough in this skin to share myself with another And then you, of course y o u gave me this thrill that no other could ever instill Perhaps they never…
TiDUS – Apocalypse
For a while, I’ve been wondering about/expecting the moment when the rest of the world tunes into Tidus. I would say that it’s now just a matter of…alignment. He’s one of the many upcoming artists who have me more excited than ever about the changes which are about to befall music. Do not sleep on this sound! Watching this video from his latest EP New Age, I immediately recognized the visual work of RUFFMERCY, who also did work on the visual to one of my favorite Blu songs, Doin’ Nothin. It is a perfect collaboration. I highly encourage you to also check out some of Tidus’s earlier work, which includes…
Sonnymoon, Lion Babe, Etta Bond & Raf Riley, and inc. dropped some interesting visuals to accompany their songs last year. There are a few singer/producer combinations popping up out there, but I’m looking forward to hearing new things from these four this year. I’m especially anticipating an official release from Lion Babe, as they’ve only revealed a single junglesque groove thus far. I’ve been a fan of Sonnymoon since I first came upon Golden Age years ago and listened to it every morning while on transit. I’ve decided since then that almost anything by Sonnymoon is the the best music to listen to while traveling, whether on a train, or…
Changes and Doctors
Last night, a good friend and I headed to Low End Theory to see some DJ’s and the AMAZING Shafiq Husayn do a set. Low End is an electronic hip hop event that takes place at the Airliner every Wednesday night. Last year I witnessed awesome talent there, including Zeroh and The Internet! If you’re ever in downtown Los Angeles, on a Wednesday, I highly recommend it. The beers are also cheap. After waking up fairly hungover, my mind was on nothing but today’s appointment with my new doctor. Actually, for a bit my mind was on some new music my friend just put out, as well as a new…
Xmas In Vegas
I spent a few days in Las Vegas this past weekend and it definitely didn’t turn out as I expected it to. The last time I went, the experience changed my life and it only changed my life because I changed the way I looked at life afterward. I love Vegas simply for the energy! You can spend the evening just walking the strip with a glass of wine or some whiskey and have the greatest experience talking to people and vibing. Everyone seems a bit more free and willing to let go and socialize. Nothing is forced. It would be a cool place to live, I think. So, of…
From Me to Me, for you
Tonight I thought to go through some of my phone notes from this year to find a few lines that fit with a theme I am focused on as of late. I ended up reading through all of the memos and realized a lot of the random lines/reminders I type into there are, um, golden as hell! I wanted to keep these private until they are complete, but why wait, really?. Don’t look into my eyes Look out through ’em and I’ll show you what it’s like to be a woman Reality is heavy. Every moment’s a memory in an instant. What’s life, what’s light for you? Like seeing a…
Danny Watts – Poetic Effusions
Take a gander through the ripples of my mind. Messenger Series Vol. 1 – Danny Watts This song is brilliant. I haven’t known much of anything about Danny Watts before now, besides his voice and intricate patterns of rhymes the delivers with it. I have been listening to this Messenger Series Vol. 1 for months because I feel it is so p e r f e c t and relatable as a human being. After watching this new visual for his song Poetic Effusions, it is simply my duty to pass it on to you.