2017 UPDATE: Vegan & My Upcoming Online Store!
I have not done a personal life update in quite some time. This is a special year for myself, according to certain signs I’ve noticed, and all that is already coming into play within my direct reality. After years studying, cooking, detoxes, and financial planning, I am ecstatic to declare that I have adopted my own version of a Vegan diet. Last year, I shared a post about my Vegetarian/Pescatarian experience, which began in my early-adult life. This is the right time for myself to cross over into a lifestyle that pulls at me daily. The most difficult obstacle has been financial and relating to a lack of knowledge about everything my body needs to be healthy. I am in a mode of transition to consistently afford to all I need and enjoy. The legs of my online business are in place. The conceptual ideas that have lingered in my mind are miraculously manifesting into reality.
Creatively, I work on balancing the many outlets of expression that I am moved to give attention to. This includes my upcoming T-Shirt and Photography print store ☾l★rity, a book of personal poetry, the fictional story that I’ve been writing for three years now, upcoming youtube channel, and a music project. My main priority is my business! It feels surreal that to be taking the reigns of my destiny through becoming my own business woman, rather than working under others who don’t quite resonate with my truth. ☾l★rity Store will feature eccentrically conscious graphics and positive texts by myself printed onto T-shirts and other clothing. I will also be sharing my favorite photographs as print-outs.
While I work on all of my visuals – web design, photography, graphics, printing, editing, and everything I am to present, I am tremendously grateful to anyone who believes in me and lends a hand in manifesting my vision. It is amazing when you begin to realize that there are infinite resources available to us in this day and age. I have also met some wonderful mentors. The online store will be a portal into my creative zone, where all of the aforementioned projects will be available for everyone to hold and explore. Expect a ton of updates about the launch and my favorite vegan meals very soon!