• About Me,  Life

    Creative Expression For Release & Healing

    In my personal growth, I notice that I can no longer suppress what my spirit yearns to express. I suppose this is my unique experience of being guided into creating art for more than just myself. I touched on self-expression here before, but learning the importance of my voice has been something that I still find myself reflecting on often, in relation to womanhood. The truth is that I lost a sense of worth for a long time, and I have been re-adjusting since becoming an adult. I am now able to express my true self more freely than ever. When losing a sense of worth in oneself while being…

  • Heath,  Life

    Becoming Confident In My Vegetarianism

    It always gets me when those who have known/known of me for a while ask what I did to lose as much weight as I have over the past six years, and promptly follow the question with “I am not going to stop eating meat!” This is thrown out there as a lazy method of narrowing the possibility of my mentioning vegetarianism, as if it is a trend. I can hear them thinking “Please don’t start talking about vegetables and animals.” and some even go so far as to assume I only eat plain “rabbit food,” as if there are two or three bland options without meat. That part is…