Yeah baby, I like it RAW!

All RAW everything!

At least for the next two weeks…
I’m currently experiencing my sixth day of the twenty day HERBAL cleanse I’m doing which requires that I adopt an all raw food diet. Yup! This means that I am not consuming anything that has been processed with sugar and artificial flavors and other chemicals that we know make up the foods we consume regularly. No dairy products, or anything of animal origin has entered me since this past Monday!
Once again, I’m amazed by the timing of this particular adventure because I’ve been interested in improving my diet, but I always thought it would be too expensive to start how I’d like to. I cut out the red meat and all about four years ago, with the exception of fish (I recently *before cleansing* started eating chicken again), but now, by working for a health company, I’ve been sucking in knowledge about food and how it effects our bodies whenever I get the chance. This really changed my life and I admit that a part of me wishes that I’d known all of this a long time ago, back when I first struggled with body and confidence as a youngin in high school.
I also believe that my struggle equipped me with the consciousness that brought me to stand exactly where I am now.

I regularly speak with people around the country who have issues with both high blood pressure and diabetes. Many of these people are older, I suspect they are at least in their late thirties, and they are hoping for a REAl alternative to the endless bottles of medications their doctors are prescribing them. These are medications which are gradually KILLING their organs while temporarily settling an ailment. Guess what? They do not even know it. I happen to know, but their reason does not even have to do with this fact but with their exhaustion from having to take medication at all.
Some are perplexed by the idea of going raw vegan for any amount of time, while others are ready for the challenge, which ironically, SHOULD be a common way of life for us all.

Even switching out half of the food we consume for all natural food (exp. sandwich and raw celery instead of sandwich and fries // fries and salad instead of fries and a burger) makes a relevant impact on our health RIGHT NOW.

We must know what we are being fed.
I won’t go into detail about the twisted reality that is the medical and corporate world, but I will say that it’s important for us to not turn a blind eye to the realities that exist out there. People enjoy the comfort of consuming the crap food that they were raised on and enjoy. It is crucial to educate yourself at the very least, and share your truth with your loved ones. Save lives. <3 I mention this as I've spoken with people who had diabetes and high blood pressure which completely went away once they committed to a raw food diet and all natural herbs! This is not farce, it is an amazing revelation that for some reason, is not common knowledge. For myself, it's also a reminder of just how connected we all are to our surroundings and each other, or how connected we are capable of being. The earth gives us herbs and the ability to grow foods which keep us growing like we should. Somewhere down the line, we strayed into a world of genetically modified foods which lead to disease, but the truth is still there whenever you’re ready to look at it and do something with it.

So, back to my own healing process. I’ve been learning a few cool recipes featuring only raw uncooked foods, and I’m just amazed at how much flavor you can get from combining nuts, natural seasoning, some lemon, and nectar. When I first began, I had this idea about only eating salads with olive oil and apple cider vinegar and fruits every day, but being the curious mind that I am, I came upon a few good recipes to brighten up my regimen and I will keep them once I design my new lifestyle after the cleanse.
With the herbs I’ve had clean out my main organs, my appetite has curved more than I imagined, but I don’t feel tired and without energy because I have also been juicing in the morning and eating as many green foods as I can for dinner. Drinking a blend of beet, carrot, and apples in the morning gives me more energy than I would have thought. I feel more alert and less like a zombie fighting to feel regular throughout the day. My own mother, who was recently diagnosed with diabetes and is taking high blood pressure medication, has changed her life just learning about the benefits of eating clean and unprocessed.

I am excited to share a bit of my experience. Love and light!

★v i b e s★vibrate★vibrating★v i b e s★ This is foR t h e souL . feel free to feeL somethinG .

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